The Next Big Thing in Hiring Remotely
Hiring remotely IS the next big thing. With today’s emerging technology, virtual channels, and inclusive culture, companies have much more flexibility. Some businesses have fully remote teams, while many others allow their employees to work remotely at least once a week. According to a 2018 study by Upwork, work done by freelancers has increased 168 percent. This arrangement is only expected to grow.
Our modern workforce is increasingly mobile, collaborative, and dynamic, as well as comprising multi-generations, all with differing communication preferences. These workers span multiple industries, all of whom represent unique challenges when it comes to staying connected while on the job. The transition into managing a remote workforce can seem daunting, but with the right tech and hardworking employees, it can be a fluid process – and fighting the change may do more harm than good.
One of the most helpful technologies for seamless management of remote work is video conferencing (Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts,, etc). Live video feeds help outsourced workers see and speak with one another in real time anywhere they are, which is the next best thing to a face-to-face meeting. Thanks to video conferencing and shared applications, many companies have even done away with traditional office spaces and instead run their business out of a shared coworking space to accommodate their largely remote workforce. As the current workforce becomes more progressive, virtual tools, like mobile remote-working tools and virtual reality conferencing, will become the preferred form of communication. These capabilities wouldn’t be possible without the widespread internet connectivity progression of the past 10 to 15 years.
Given the top reported benefits of a flexible schedule, more time with family, a more pleasant work environment, and avoidance of office politics many employees now expect remote work opportunities. In fact, according to, 90 percent of current remote workers plan on working remotely for the rest of their careers. Because of this increasingly popular trend, some refuse to accept an onsite position, knowing they can find a more convenient and flexible gig elsewhere.
Due to this trend, organizations should begin to make improvements to their remote work policies and capabilities. A surprising study by Upwork showed how prevalent remote work is becoming by data from more than 1,000 hiring decision makers: 63 percent of companies now have remote workers, yet 57 percent of companies have no remote work policies. If a company is concerned about productivity and performance issues associated with a companywide ability to work from home, we recommend creating standard key performance indicators (KPIs) for both management and employees as well as regular weekly catch up meetings. This way, remote team members are aware of expectations, questions can be resolved, and their performance can be monitored.
Today, AI and machine learning are common, especially in the business world. Most of us interact daily with AI in some form or another, but the truth is there are vast applications of this technology, from the mundane to the breathtaking. As AI and machine learning further escalate, they are becoming an imperative for businesses that want to maintain a competitive edge.Hiring managers believe remote work will change the nature of work, specifically within the design / creative realms and psychological behaviors of company structure, more than A.I.